Block the stream to catch fish
在阿美族的社會,舉凡慶典完成、農事或家屋完工、金榜題名、升遷等喜事就要舉行Pakelang, 一起聚會歡樂,最特別的是家裡如果遇見傷心的事情也會舉行pakelang,表示傷心的事情到此告一段落重新出發。
In Pangcah/Amis society where the ending of a more big thing like ritual ceremony、house construction、harvesting or honor thing like fine schooling、work promotion、marriage or sadness like death, tribe people with gathering for celebrating or grieving which is called "pakelang". To hold the pakelang ceremony the males have to go to the stream to catch fish、shrimps、crabs and shellfish, this activity is called "mieteng". To eat food from the stream symbolize the let either happiness or sadness pass by the water flow and after pakelang life goes to back to the daily pattern.